Mark trained with Dr Harald Blomberg when he first brought the RMT programme into the UK back in 2007. He not only found it made profound improvements to his own abilities, but has seen wonderful changes in children and adults with the wide variety of learning and developmental challenges.

He decided that this work needed to be shared with many other people working with children to give them every opportunity to be the best they can be in education and life, and not be held back by learning and developmental issues, so he became an international instructor. Mark is also a Brain Gym® instructor.

Mark now lives and works in sunny Malta where he has a practice and offers training. He returns to the UK once or twice a year to run the Face the Fear course. If you are interested and would like to join any of his courses, please contact him to reserve your place.

If you would like to train in Malta, he can also help arrange accommodation.

Location: Malta

Phone(s): 0044 79311 08759 or 00356 2157 4348

Email: Click here

Course Dates

No courses planned at present, contact Mark to express your interest